Gameplay Rules
BCP will be used to record wins, losses & point differentials. You should not start a round if you do not have time for both players to complete their full turn.
At the end of the game if you have not played the full five rounds you can talk through the remaining rounds. Please ask the T.O. to adjudicate if there is any point of contention or uncertainty. You are here for a fun time – let the T.O. make the tough calls!
All terrain will be set out for your first game and marked with counters showing which of the below rules are applicable to the terrain. There are a few points to note:
- Terrain marked IMPASSABLE should remain marked impassable, no matter which round or mission you are playing. This is a PubHammer specific keyword and is intended to ensure that terrain is interactive at events.
- You may need to move terrain between rounds. You should follow the on screen and in-app guidance on terrain placement and will be provided with the right number and size of terrain pieces to make this possible.
- Please respect the time and effort that has gone into creating the terrain available. Whilst all our terrain has 3 coats of varnish, it is not indestructible and your care is appreciated.
No part of a model or its base can finish a move or be set up on this terrain feature or the base of the terrain feature.
Models can move across unstable terrain but no part of a model or its base can finish a move or be set up on this terrain feature or the base of the terrain feature.
-1 to hit buff if wholly within the base of the terrain feature. You cannot gain cover if you have the FLY keyword or charged that turn.
Models “behind” or wholly on/in obscuring terrain cannot be targeted by shooting attacks. You cannot gain this benefit if you have the FLY keyword. Note RAW this does not mean visibility is impaired for other abilities (such as spell casting).
Place of Power
Heroes within 3” of a Place of Power can declare the ‘Activate Place of Power’ ability at the start of any turn. The effect of which is: Roll a dice. On a 1, inflict D3 mortals on that hero. On a 2+:
- If hero is a wizard or priest, add 1 to casting or chanting rolls for that turn.
- If hero is not a wizard or priest, they can use the banish or unbind ability this turn as if they had WIZARD (1).
Faction terrain
Must not be placed within 3” of other terrain or objectives. It must follow the restrictions on its war scroll. If you cannot place your faction terrain, you may remove one piece of terrain from the board in order to place it on the mat. Note, as per the December rules update from GW, you do not have to place your faction terrain if you do not want to.
You may use Games Workshop or proxy models; however the base size has to be correct & the proxy should be clearly distinguishable as the model it is representing.
All dice should be rolled into a dice tray or to land flat on the gaming mat. If a dice is in any way cocked or lands on the base or any other part of a terrain piece then please re roll it. Remember that we all have a duty to maintain the game state, so be consistent with this rule please.
If you measure & start moving models you are committing to that movement. Do not then move them back or again. The game is a game based on inches a small change can win or lose a game.
Please grab the TO as needed. Note that the TO will probably be playing but their priority is to ensure that all attendees get the answers they need, when they need them.
PubHammer is, by its very nature in a pub & you will receive table service. Please drink responsibly & with a view to ensuring you do not overdo it & risk either your own, or anyone else’s enjoyment!
You will be offered a tab for the day – your lunch can be pre-ordered in the morning and any drinks etc. that you have through the day will be added to the tab. PLEASE make sure you pay your tab at the end of the event! Failure to do so will disqualify you from the event results.