Special Rules
Seizing the initiative
If the player who went second in the previous battle round wins the priority roll and chooses to go first, their opponent is the underdog until their opponent does the same.
If a player is behind by 6 or more victory points, they do not suffer any penalty from taking two turns in a row. Their opponent is not the underdog for the rest of the battle, and they can pick a battle tactic.
Honour Guard
A wise general surrounds themselves with trusted veterans, warriors whose battlefield exploits are renowned amongst their peers. Your army can use 1 of the following abilities.
Regimented Forces: If a player has more regiments than their opponent, they can use a second, different honour guard ability, but they must pick a unit in a different regiment that is not led by the general. You cannot pick units in a regiment of renown to be an honour guard.
Declare: Pick a friendly unit in, but not leading, a regiment to be that regiment’s honour guard. You can pick a unit in reserve.
Effect: Subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic of enemy unit’s melee weapons while they are in combat with the unit leading that regiment if both the following are true:
- The Honour Guard is wholly within 6” of the leader of that regiment.
- Neither the Honour Guard or that regiments leader charged this turn.
Priority Target
Declare: Pick a friendly unit in your general’s regiment that is not your general to be the honour guard. You can pick a unit in reserve.
Effect: Add1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made by the honour guard that target the enemy general or enemy honour guard if they are within 12”.
Special Assignment
Declare: Pick a friendly unit in your general’s regiment that is not your general to be the honour guard. You can pick a unit in reserve.
Effect: Pick one of the following weapon abilities:
- Anti-Infantry (+1 rend)
- Anti-Cavalry (+1 rend)
- Anti Monster (+1 rend)
- Anti-War Machine (+1 rend)
- Anti-Beast (+1 rend)
In any turn in which the honour guard charged, that unit’s melee weapons have the weapon ability you picked. This has no effect on Companion weapons.
Prized Beast
Declare: Pick a friendly non-UNIQUE MONSTER in, but not leading, a regiment to be that regiment’s honour guard. You can pick a unit in reserve.
Effect: That unit can ignore the effects of the ‘Battle Damaged” ability. In addition, add 1 to hit rolls for combat attacks made by that honour guard. This ability affects companion weapons.
Field Sergeant
Declare: Pick a friendly non-FLY INFANTRY HERO in, but not leading, a regiment to be that regiment’s honour guard. You can pick a unit in reserve.
Effect: Add 2” to the Move characteristic of friendly non-FLY INFANTRY units while they are wholly within 12” of the honour guard.